Saturday, February 21, 2009

RubiStar: It Saves Me

For teachers, Rubistar helps tremendously. RubiStar has given me a
guide into the world of assessment based on rubrics. Along with allowing
us to make free rubrics, it gives us an eye into the world of rubrics by
giving us some backround and the defintion of what a rubric is. A
website that provides the world of teachers with free rubrics definetly
helps the grading becoming easier because the assessment is already
there for us to use in order to guide us in the grading process.

In the process of finding a rubric to use in my paper about how i
would use a rubric in the classroom setting, i began to space out. But
when Dr. L provided us with the links to websites to help us with
rubrics and assessment it helped remove some stress I was feeling.
It was so easy to use RubiStar because of the simplicity of the
website. But this is what I needed in having a rubric for whch I
could grade my students' assessment. I just put in all the
information needed and it designed it. It's great and I definetly
will be using this feature again in my future assessments!


  1. RubriStar saved you and me! It was such a easy way to make a rubric for a classroom. I agree with you all the way about the website providing the world of teachers with free rubrics helps the grading becoming easier because the assessment is already there for us to use in order to guide us in the grading process. Great Post!

  2. I am glad this site is coming in useful.

    Keep up the great work!
