Tuesday, January 20, 2009

About Amanda =)

Hey guys, i just wanted to tell you thanks for reading this in
advance it shows that you care about where i'm from and interested
in where i'm headed with my life. With that said, Hi =) My name is

Amanda Sepulveda, i'm a sophmore at Saint Peters College, and i'm
a very determined nineteen year old. As a parent, I see the education
and learning process as the insight to the world, as curiousity to want
to understand the world around you. And I love every minute of it.
I have known I wanted to be a teacher since before I started
high school. The aspirations I have for my life are nothing less
than being apart of greatness. I'm en route to become a loveable
third grade teacher who cares about her students.

Education to me is as important as breathing, without it we
wouldn't be able to thrive in society or be successful. A proper
education allows students to grow and think of life in a whole
different perspective. As a teacher I want to care about my
students and provide them the support they need academically
and emotionally. The teachers in my past have caused me to
care about learning and I want to impose that curiosity on my
students as well.


  1. Thank you for your posting.

    Education is so important. You seem dedicated and interested in your career.

    Excellent start!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
