Monday, May 4, 2009

Report Cards - -

Hmmm.. Report cards. Do they help or hurt? Well really instead of
looking at it in the students point of view. Maybe we should look through
the parents eyes for a change. Parents do not send their children to school
to become the "average", they send them to school to become the "great".
Which brings in the importance of report cards. Report cards are grades
that have me culminated through a marking period, and allow for an
assessment. Parents deserve to recieve an assessment, i.e report cards
concerning their childrens grades. Otherwise if their children were failing,
and the parents didn't get an assessment until school was over. What can
be done? Nothing! Which is why report cards are important, because it
allows for parents to help their children get the instructional help they need
in order to maintain the good grades.

Also, report cards help the student and the teachers as well. While the
teachers are preparing the grades for the report card they get to see first
hand the reasons why the student is failing. And in the midst of the report
card being sent out to the parents home, the teacher can soon set up
additional help with the child during classtime. Or provide the child our
undivided attention after school on the subjects on which the student is
missing the learning target, or just does not understand. Report cards
allow for a formal assessment that will help the student learn better by
addressing all their learning needs and explaining things in alternated
manners if they need may arise.

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