Monday, April 13, 2009

Hey: Multiple Choice Testing!

Ah, tests are a touchy subject for any student regardless of grade
or age. But especially in elementary and middle school grades, tests
are a make or break even for students. Different students from different
testing levels such as: multiple choice answer tests and essay tests. For
my own knowledge and liking, I like essay test format only because it
would give my student a chance to explain the answer they have in
mind, without just having to play “Iny Miny Miney Mo” on an answer.
Because during my sophomore field I have realized that students
struggle more with multiple choice format only because if you do
not know the precise answer, those points for that answer are
gone way before the student begins. While on the essay format
side, the student could have a clear understanding of the material
and be able to explain what they know, they just are unable to
pick a correct answer, or there may be multiple correct answers.
This is where I feel essay tests provide the best help in the
learning experience by giving students a chance.

While on the other hand, multiple choice answers are good
for some reasons, for instance, Language Arts tests. In
Language Arts there are definitions, synonyms and antonyms
which can be comprised with just a one word answer. For example,
the definition or SCARED is FEAR. A simple one word answer,
answered that question without having to have a long explanation
on why it was that answer. At time multiple choice tests can be
the right answer and at time essay question tests are the right
answer, we just have to pick the right time to use them and choose
when they will benefit our students most.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I agree with you in that I like essay tests better also! I think multiple choice tests are a good form of assessment also but only in certain situations like you said about language arts!
